Feedback Strategies

For this assignment, I chose "Be A Mirror" and "Specific Feedback That Helps Kids Grow."

"Be A Mirror"
From this article, I learned several things. First, that there are five qualities of feedback that foster growth mindset: 1) be specific, 2) focus on what the reader is doing, not missing, 3) focus on the process and the work put into it, 4) make sure it can transfer and 5) take yourself out of the feedback. These are very helpful tips regarding feedback, because it puts you in a mindset to do unto others as you want others to do unto you!

From this article, I also learned to being feedback with "I like how you..." or "I think..." because it puts you personally into the words that you're about to say to someone else, which makes you think in terms of if someone were speaking to you. I'll definitely use these strategies in the future.

"Specific Feedback that Helps Kids Grow"
This article taught me that goal-oriented, transparent, actionable feedback is key. Meaning, feedback should show someone where to go, or head toward. This helps when they will be making changes to know an endpoint to view. Second, being transparent makes it clear what's expected or working for. Last, being actionable means asking ourselves "Will they know how to proceed?" Feedback given with no where to go afterward is meaningless, so these steps will certainly help others!


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