Famous Last Words, Snow Days

Another week has gone by, but this one was much more fun than the others this semester!

This week, we got about 2.5 snow days. I'm a junior here at OU and have never had a snow day, so I was way too excited for this to happen! On Tuesday, campus was closed at 12:45 p.m. I was in my 12:00 class and had just braved the freezing rain to get there, so that was a little upsetting. I was not upset about the other two day cancellations, though!

My roommates and I watched a whole lot of Netflix this week, and decided to use this time for lots of homework. We are all preparing for Cabo for Spring Break, so we're working out a lot and trying to eat healthier. This is almost impossible on snow days - I always want cookies, hot chocolate and brownies when it's cold!

My other classes are going well. Last week, I had two tests: one in sociology and one in media law. Both of the tests went well, and I'm glad I spent so much time studying for them. At the time, studying sucks... But getting a good grade on the test is worth the effort.

I plan to watch Alice in Wonderland this weekend, because I am rewriting these stories for my storybook. I am having trouble remembering all the details of Alice in Wonderland, so I know a refresher will help me generate some ideas for stories. I know the types of stories I want to do -- incorporating PR and technology -- but first I have to find the stories I can retell best with these added aspects. 

I've been impressed by others' stories, and it'll be fun to see how everyone revises their stories to end up with the best storybook possible. This class definitely makes me channel my inner creativity, which I love! I find myself always doing run of the mill class work, and this class makes me step outside the box. Here's to Week 7!
I wish it had been snowy enough to go sledding! Gif from Google.


  1. Hi Demery! I like that you have this little recap post about the week. Is this an extra credit assignment? I too was super excited that we had 3 snow days, it was definitely needed. I enjoyed the lazy days of netflix and catching up on all my homework I may have neglected. That's super exciting that you and your roommates are going to Cabo, you're going to be tan while the rest of us are super pale. Enjoy your trip!


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