Reading Notes: Elephant and Tortoise, Reading B

For Reading B, I chose the South African tale "Elephant and Tortoise."

In this story, there are a few main characters: all powerful beings. The story starts with the Elephant seeking rain. After Rain said it was departing, Elephant spoke to a Vulture who could not provide water. Then Elephant spoke to a Crow who cast lots to produce rain. The rain fell into lagoons, but it dried up quickly. Then the Elephant came across a Tortoise, and told the Tortoise to remain by the water while it's still there. Elephant wanted Tortoise to protect what was left of the water while he was in search of getting more.

South African Elephant. Photo from Wikipedia.

While the Tortoise was protecting the water, a Giraffe, Zebra, Gemsbok, Wildebeest, Roodebok, Springbok, Jackal and Lion came begging for the water. The Tortoise responded, "The water belongs to Elephant" to each of them. However, the Lion did not even let the Tortoise speak before he beat him. The Lion drank the water, leaving none behind.

When the Elephant came back, he asked the Tortoise for the water. After he heard what happened, the Elephant asked the Tortoise if he wanted to be chewed or swallowed. The Tortoise said swallowed, so Elephant swallowed him whole! The Tortoise was still alive inside the Elephant and tore at his insides, killing the Elephant. The Tortoise then climbed out of his body and continued on with his life as he pleased.

This story was an odd one! I didn't expect the ending. If I use this for my story, I want to rewrite it to where the Elephant is more forgiving of the Tortoise and the two work together to find more water, rather than eating him. That would be a happier ending!


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