Week 8 Progress

Looking Back I am very happy with my progress and my ability to work ahead so far this semester. I make sure to work ahead in this class whenever I have free time, and it has paid off! After looking into the progress chart, I am at 252 points in week eight. This is already very ahead because I have done all the required assignments and various extra credit projects. This will prove to be well worth it when finals come around and I have one less class to stress about! My favorite class assignments are probably the stories, because I like the challenge of changing original stories and making them my own. This is difficult for me sometimes, but it's fun to channel my inner creativity. Looking Forward For the second half of the semester, I'm going to make sure to plan out my last two stories for my story book super clearly before writing. Before writing my intro and story one, I knew my main goal, but thought up the supporting details as I went. This caused me to have a lot of ...